for being here!

There is a part of me that resists writing an “about me” section because this part of me loathes boxes. Bless her and I honor her because she knows the fullness of my experience, story and impact on this Earth is impossible to encapsulate in a few paragraphs. However, one of my highest values is authenticity and sharing my heart, even if our English language can’t express the profound fullness. Our individual story is medicine for the world, because we are all interconnected. Our unique story holds a key note on the frequency we emit as a collective humanity.

I was born onto this Earth as an Aries Sun - Taurus Moon - Leo Rising. If you are familiar with Astrology, my big 3 describes me in this incarnation pretty well! :) I am also a deeply devoted Wife and Mama to 3 wondrous souls.

I am a fiery spirit, unafraid to burn down what is not in alignment on my Path, all while integrating the nuggets of wisdom that are found within each and every experience. Once upon a time I was a Nurse who served in various areas within the current paradigm of the healthcare system. From the inside of this system, I was able to witness the distortion. I did not witness a system that was structured to nurture vitality, aliveness, self sovereignty and empowerment. Instead, I witnessed a system that nurtured further dependence on the system.

After 10 years working as a Nurse, I burned it all down, leaving this identity I had created behind. For the first time in my adult life I stood before my Path and it was very unclear what laid ahead. Little did I know at the time, this was all by Divine design, and I was about to embark on a my own Heroine’s Journey. It was time to enter the Chrysalis of Metamorphosis.

We often hear the story of the caterpillar becoming a butterfly and how beautiful this transformation is. What isn’t talked about as much, yet is a foundational piece to this story, is what happens to the caterpillar once it creates it’s chrysalis. While in the chrysalis the caterpillar literally dissolves into nothingness and from this nothingness is rebirthed a new. I spent years in my own Chrysalis until it was time for my Emergence, now deeply in touch with my Soul and the gifts I incarnated with.

My gift of energetic sensitivity is one that I have deep down felt as Truth my entire life. Although the programming we receive in society - messages like “be realistic” and “that’s not possible” combined with the current materialistic paradigm of “what we see is all there is” resulted in my suppression of these gifts. I shrugged them off as something that wasn’t real.

When Life began slowing me down. Slowing me down enough to feel the pulse moving through me, these energetic sensitivities increased. I felt the plant spirits calling me. Very quiet at first, and then becoming more clear as I let their guidance light my way. It wasn’t until a plant medicine ceremony where I fully acknowledged this gift of energetic sensitivity and fully answered the call from Gaia. When I acknowledged to myself what was happening, it felt like a homecoming. A remembrance of the gifts I have cultivated and weaved through many lifetimes. A Medicine Woman here to merge science and spirit back into wholeness.

She is a Wildflower isn’t just a business for me. It is my soul’s path, my service to humanity, to Gaia and all of our Earth Kin. My offering to the Divine that which works through me in all that I be and in all that I do.

She is a Wildflower

While on a road trip to the Pacific Northwest with my husband the name “She is a Wildflower” came through very potently and clear. This poem that I wrote tells the story of how our wild souls are like wildflowers on this Earth.

“She is a Wildflower.

She finds her own place to plant herself. To send her roots down deep.

She drinks from the infinite well of crystalline water she has discovered within, rather than the well that has been “given” to her with conditions placed upon her Being to receive it.

She blooms boldly and brightly whether anyone is around to see her shine.

She blooms because she knows she is a unique spark and emanation of the Divine.

She blooms because she knows her spark isn’t found through following the Path of another, rather by paving her own way by listening to the whispers of her Soul.

She knows her Medicine is unlike any others and celebrates her uniqueness.

She looks around and sees the gorgeous diversity surrounding her in total awe of Creation.

She is of the Wild, unwilling and unable to be tamed for the convenience of others.

It is in this vow to herself that offers more potent Medicine to the world.

She doesn’t fear the untamed power of Nature, because she knows she is an intricate part of it.

She is a Wildflower.”


All of my offerings are hand crafted, small batch, bespoke creations in collaboration with plant kin, animal kin, stone & mineral kin, celestial bodies, elementals, and the Divine which runs through all things seen and unseen.

New offerings added as I am Divinely guided, so stay tuned. :)