Celestial Soaring Dream Elixir
Dreams are messengers from the Soul. Dreams are mystical pathways acting as a sacred bridge between conscious and unconscious mind. Dream matter offers, in a personally symbolic way, directions for our growth, often presenting the true dynamics of life situations our conscious mind may be unwilling or unable to see and accept. Dreams offer solutions and renewed possibility to areas in our life in which we are feeling stuck. Dreams act as a gateway to receive visitations from those who are no longer physically incarnated in a body. Deepening our connection to and awareness of our dreams carries profound potential for healing and awakening.
Celestial Soaring Dream Elixir includes consciously chosen kin to expand your awareness while offering grounded protection.
INGREDIENTS: Mugwort, Verbena Stricta, Yarrow Flower Essence, Spring Water, Organic Alcohol, Organic Raw Honey
Mugwort: The quintessential Queen of Dreamtime. Mugwort’s Latin name, Artemisia vulgaris, invokes it’s correspondence with the ancient moon Goddess, Artemis. The Moon is the ruler of the Subconscious, and the Mugwort in this medicine was harvested on a Full Moon to bring into service the celestial influence of this plant kin’s planetary ruler.
Mugwort is a wonderful ally for those who have difficulty with dream recall. Going even deeper, Mugwort can bring fourth profound vivid and even lucid dreams where one is discovering themselves awake in the dream, allowing for profound healing experiences and Remembrance of one’s True Essential Nature. Often, if we ask from the heart, we are given directions we need to follow that lead us toward increase in wisdom, soulfulness and humanity.
Known as an herb of Magic, Mugwort invites us to live in several worlds at once, expanding our perception and intuition. She is a fierce protector and traditionally was used as a wand hung on the door to keep evil influences from entering the home. I think of Mugwort as my Dream Keeper. She helps open and expand my perception to realms that are not easily accessible in every day waking life, while also protecting me from any unwanted influences.
Mugwort is also associated with Hecate, the Goddess of Magic and Witchcraft. A raven is often depicted sitting on Hecate’s shoulder. The raven represents the part ourselves that is masterful at navigating the underworld, who easefully and consciously flies into Dreamtime to retrieve knowledge we can add to our cauldron of inner wisdom. Our inner raven is able to fetch symbols and objects from the subconscious mind, and it is then our work to interpret the meaning of these gifts and to integrate them into our understanding of ourselves.
Verbena Stricta: Verbena Stricta, or Vervain, is known as “the enchanter’s plant”. It has been associated with mysticism, magic and protection for centuries. In ancient Egyptian mythology, it was sacred to Isis, the Goddess of Protection, Healing and Motherhood who was said to have wept vervain tears. In Ireland, the Druids gathered flowering vervain to make lustral baths and holy waters to enhance divination and promote ritual purification. The Holy Catholic Church used Vervain on their alter, in their holy water, and to commune with the Divine. In what is now known as Nevada, in the United States, the Pauite People worked with Vervain while going on vision quests seeking visions.
As a protective herb, Vervain is said to protect against nightmares and promote restful sleep. The Welsch name for this plant is “ferfaen” which means “to drive away”, attesting to it’s ability to drive out harmful forces. Vervain has traditionally been used in Witch’s Flying Ointment’s - blends created for astral travel and spirit flights.
Verbena’s deep purple colored flowers are a signature for it’s correspondence to the sixth chakra (also known as third eye or Anja) and signifies spiritual vision.
Yarrow Flower Essence: Yarrow helps establish and enforce boundaries of all sorts. Medicinally, the plant is associated with healing wounds, thus healing the boundary of our physical body. As an essence, it cleanses, heals and strengthens the aura, particularly it’s outer later. The essence can heal tears and holes in the aura, such as those created by psychic attack and environmental factors. It is an outstanding essence for protection against any sort of harmful influence.
As the plant grows, it gives strength to it’s neighboring plants, making them more disease resistant; the essence similarly offers protection to whoever communes with it.
Yarrow acts as a protective guide as we journey deeper into our dreamscape.
Ritual: Place a hand on your body. Take 3 slow, deep, easeful breaths. State out loud your desired intention for dreamtime. Consider asking your inner Dream Keeper a question in which you would like answered while on your nighttime journey.
Dose: Created as an energetic medicine & suggested dosing of 3-5 drops soon before bed, but the invitation is to engage with this medicine intuitively.
Dreams are messengers from the Soul. Dreams are mystical pathways acting as a sacred bridge between conscious and unconscious mind. Dream matter offers, in a personally symbolic way, directions for our growth, often presenting the true dynamics of life situations our conscious mind may be unwilling or unable to see and accept. Dreams offer solutions and renewed possibility to areas in our life in which we are feeling stuck. Dreams act as a gateway to receive visitations from those who are no longer physically incarnated in a body. Deepening our connection to and awareness of our dreams carries profound potential for healing and awakening.
Celestial Soaring Dream Elixir includes consciously chosen kin to expand your awareness while offering grounded protection.
INGREDIENTS: Mugwort, Verbena Stricta, Yarrow Flower Essence, Spring Water, Organic Alcohol, Organic Raw Honey
Mugwort: The quintessential Queen of Dreamtime. Mugwort’s Latin name, Artemisia vulgaris, invokes it’s correspondence with the ancient moon Goddess, Artemis. The Moon is the ruler of the Subconscious, and the Mugwort in this medicine was harvested on a Full Moon to bring into service the celestial influence of this plant kin’s planetary ruler.
Mugwort is a wonderful ally for those who have difficulty with dream recall. Going even deeper, Mugwort can bring fourth profound vivid and even lucid dreams where one is discovering themselves awake in the dream, allowing for profound healing experiences and Remembrance of one’s True Essential Nature. Often, if we ask from the heart, we are given directions we need to follow that lead us toward increase in wisdom, soulfulness and humanity.
Known as an herb of Magic, Mugwort invites us to live in several worlds at once, expanding our perception and intuition. She is a fierce protector and traditionally was used as a wand hung on the door to keep evil influences from entering the home. I think of Mugwort as my Dream Keeper. She helps open and expand my perception to realms that are not easily accessible in every day waking life, while also protecting me from any unwanted influences.
Mugwort is also associated with Hecate, the Goddess of Magic and Witchcraft. A raven is often depicted sitting on Hecate’s shoulder. The raven represents the part ourselves that is masterful at navigating the underworld, who easefully and consciously flies into Dreamtime to retrieve knowledge we can add to our cauldron of inner wisdom. Our inner raven is able to fetch symbols and objects from the subconscious mind, and it is then our work to interpret the meaning of these gifts and to integrate them into our understanding of ourselves.
Verbena Stricta: Verbena Stricta, or Vervain, is known as “the enchanter’s plant”. It has been associated with mysticism, magic and protection for centuries. In ancient Egyptian mythology, it was sacred to Isis, the Goddess of Protection, Healing and Motherhood who was said to have wept vervain tears. In Ireland, the Druids gathered flowering vervain to make lustral baths and holy waters to enhance divination and promote ritual purification. The Holy Catholic Church used Vervain on their alter, in their holy water, and to commune with the Divine. In what is now known as Nevada, in the United States, the Pauite People worked with Vervain while going on vision quests seeking visions.
As a protective herb, Vervain is said to protect against nightmares and promote restful sleep. The Welsch name for this plant is “ferfaen” which means “to drive away”, attesting to it’s ability to drive out harmful forces. Vervain has traditionally been used in Witch’s Flying Ointment’s - blends created for astral travel and spirit flights.
Verbena’s deep purple colored flowers are a signature for it’s correspondence to the sixth chakra (also known as third eye or Anja) and signifies spiritual vision.
Yarrow Flower Essence: Yarrow helps establish and enforce boundaries of all sorts. Medicinally, the plant is associated with healing wounds, thus healing the boundary of our physical body. As an essence, it cleanses, heals and strengthens the aura, particularly it’s outer later. The essence can heal tears and holes in the aura, such as those created by psychic attack and environmental factors. It is an outstanding essence for protection against any sort of harmful influence.
As the plant grows, it gives strength to it’s neighboring plants, making them more disease resistant; the essence similarly offers protection to whoever communes with it.
Yarrow acts as a protective guide as we journey deeper into our dreamscape.
Ritual: Place a hand on your body. Take 3 slow, deep, easeful breaths. State out loud your desired intention for dreamtime. Consider asking your inner Dream Keeper a question in which you would like answered while on your nighttime journey.
Dose: Created as an energetic medicine & suggested dosing of 3-5 drops soon before bed, but the invitation is to engage with this medicine intuitively.
Dreams are messengers from the Soul. Dreams are mystical pathways acting as a sacred bridge between conscious and unconscious mind. Dream matter offers, in a personally symbolic way, directions for our growth, often presenting the true dynamics of life situations our conscious mind may be unwilling or unable to see and accept. Dreams offer solutions and renewed possibility to areas in our life in which we are feeling stuck. Dreams act as a gateway to receive visitations from those who are no longer physically incarnated in a body. Deepening our connection to and awareness of our dreams carries profound potential for healing and awakening.
Celestial Soaring Dream Elixir includes consciously chosen kin to expand your awareness while offering grounded protection.
INGREDIENTS: Mugwort, Verbena Stricta, Yarrow Flower Essence, Spring Water, Organic Alcohol, Organic Raw Honey
Mugwort: The quintessential Queen of Dreamtime. Mugwort’s Latin name, Artemisia vulgaris, invokes it’s correspondence with the ancient moon Goddess, Artemis. The Moon is the ruler of the Subconscious, and the Mugwort in this medicine was harvested on a Full Moon to bring into service the celestial influence of this plant kin’s planetary ruler.
Mugwort is a wonderful ally for those who have difficulty with dream recall. Going even deeper, Mugwort can bring fourth profound vivid and even lucid dreams where one is discovering themselves awake in the dream, allowing for profound healing experiences and Remembrance of one’s True Essential Nature. Often, if we ask from the heart, we are given directions we need to follow that lead us toward increase in wisdom, soulfulness and humanity.
Known as an herb of Magic, Mugwort invites us to live in several worlds at once, expanding our perception and intuition. She is a fierce protector and traditionally was used as a wand hung on the door to keep evil influences from entering the home. I think of Mugwort as my Dream Keeper. She helps open and expand my perception to realms that are not easily accessible in every day waking life, while also protecting me from any unwanted influences.
Mugwort is also associated with Hecate, the Goddess of Magic and Witchcraft. A raven is often depicted sitting on Hecate’s shoulder. The raven represents the part ourselves that is masterful at navigating the underworld, who easefully and consciously flies into Dreamtime to retrieve knowledge we can add to our cauldron of inner wisdom. Our inner raven is able to fetch symbols and objects from the subconscious mind, and it is then our work to interpret the meaning of these gifts and to integrate them into our understanding of ourselves.
Verbena Stricta: Verbena Stricta, or Vervain, is known as “the enchanter’s plant”. It has been associated with mysticism, magic and protection for centuries. In ancient Egyptian mythology, it was sacred to Isis, the Goddess of Protection, Healing and Motherhood who was said to have wept vervain tears. In Ireland, the Druids gathered flowering vervain to make lustral baths and holy waters to enhance divination and promote ritual purification. The Holy Catholic Church used Vervain on their alter, in their holy water, and to commune with the Divine. In what is now known as Nevada, in the United States, the Pauite People worked with Vervain while going on vision quests seeking visions.
As a protective herb, Vervain is said to protect against nightmares and promote restful sleep. The Welsch name for this plant is “ferfaen” which means “to drive away”, attesting to it’s ability to drive out harmful forces. Vervain has traditionally been used in Witch’s Flying Ointment’s - blends created for astral travel and spirit flights.
Verbena’s deep purple colored flowers are a signature for it’s correspondence to the sixth chakra (also known as third eye or Anja) and signifies spiritual vision.
Yarrow Flower Essence: Yarrow helps establish and enforce boundaries of all sorts. Medicinally, the plant is associated with healing wounds, thus healing the boundary of our physical body. As an essence, it cleanses, heals and strengthens the aura, particularly it’s outer later. The essence can heal tears and holes in the aura, such as those created by psychic attack and environmental factors. It is an outstanding essence for protection against any sort of harmful influence.
As the plant grows, it gives strength to it’s neighboring plants, making them more disease resistant; the essence similarly offers protection to whoever communes with it.
Yarrow acts as a protective guide as we journey deeper into our dreamscape.
Ritual: Place a hand on your body. Take 3 slow, deep, easeful breaths. State out loud your desired intention for dreamtime. Consider asking your inner Dream Keeper a question in which you would like answered while on your nighttime journey.
Dose: Created as an energetic medicine & suggested dosing of 3-5 drops soon before bed, but the invitation is to engage with this medicine intuitively.